Weeze: a short Airbnb experience

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Weeze: a short Airbnb experience

We spent the night in Weeze because our flight’s departure was the next morning. Read all about our Airbnb experience in Weeze.

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In Nijmegen, we couldn’t find a proper transportation to get us to the airport in the morning; we decided to depart a day early and spend the night in Weeze. There were many options but in the end, we decided to use Airbnb. Between five and six o’clock, we arrived at the train station in Weeze and visited Pelato to grab a bite — our host gave us this great recommendation.

We chose Lothar as our host because we liked his big house, which is situated in a development area.

Lothar had been waiting patiently for us, showed us his house once we arrived and served green tea and toffee. The room he offered us was clean, the bed very comfortable. Before we, exhausted as we were, went to bed, we had a little chat with Lothar, told him about our journey to the Netherlands and also some details about our life.

The next morning, we awoke to charming melodies from Enya filling the house; and also the little cat Leo was running about; he seemed to enjoy our company. After a peaceful breakfast, Lothar, on his way to work, dropped us off at the airport.

We felt right at home at Lothar’s house; during our next stop in Weeze, we will sleep at his place again, no doubt.

Airbnb experience in Weeze: Interview with Lothar

Greetings Lothar, we would like to thank you for your hospitality and that you welcomed us with open arms into your home, where we spent a night before we flew to Timișoara.

1. Have you used Airbnb before? If you did, tell us a bit about your experiences.

I’ve been using Airbnb for the past two years. Up until now, I’ve only had good experiences with the system. There is nothing negative to say. As you might know, Germans like to nag. Since I’ve started using Airbnb, I’ve met a lot of nice people. What I really like is the simplicity of the system and the kind people that have spent the night at my place. Sadly, we didn’t always have a lot of time to talk to each other. If somebody sends me a request, I take a look at his profile picture, his summary and reviews. Most of the time, there are no problems; my gut feeling hasn’t failed me so far. I can honestly recommend Airbnb to anyone. I’ve used it myself on my journey to Calais and Malta. Everything went great.

2. We didn’t have the opportunity to discover Weeze. What do you recommend visitors?

Weeze is not that big. It’s a small town with a good life quality. One thing to visit is the idyllic city centre. Also, stop by at the ice cream parlour Alpago, which is one of the best in the region. If you want to eat something tasty, go to Pelato.

Pelato Weeze Pizza and a burger
Pelato in Weeze: Vegetarian Pizza for Deian and a burger for Alina

Anthony and his team have great food with perfect service. There are also sightseeings worth mentioning: The castle Wissen, which is situated a bit outside of Weeze and the castle Hertefeld, which is often used for weddings; along the river Niers you can even rent a canoe; here the little ones can pet animals in a park. If you want to discover the outer region, along the Niers for example, you should rent a bike, or as we call it here, a Fiets — after all, we’re nearly in The Netherlands. Don’t forget to visit the conservation area Maasdünen and the cities Kevelaer, Xantan, Kleve and Nijmegen.

3. What travel destination or experience has a special place in your heart?

For me, a special kind of experience is Lake Garda (Lago di Garda) with its little village Limone. This region is for me synonym with holidays. You sit here on the terrace of the hotel Riviera at Mario’s, enjoy a cup of coffee and just take it all in. You instantly feel very relaxed. I regularly go to this lovely place — sadly, too rarely.

4. Where would you like to spend your next vacation?

In my next holidays, I’d like to travel by bike along the Elbe from Dresden to Hamburg. A city-break to your town Timișoara is also on my list. I love to discover new things.

5. What five things would you like to tell our readers about yourself?

Mmmhhh, that sounds like self-praise. It’s hard for me to say something at this point: interested, curious, helpful, committed — and an animal lover.

We are grateful, that you’ve answered our questions and hope, that the next time we stay in Weeze, we’ll have more time to talk.

Do you want to spend the night in Weeze? Click here to get in touch with Lothar on Airbnb and discuss the details.

No Airbnb account yet? Get credit for your first booking through Airbnb* with our special invite code.

Article image: Evan Dennis | Unsplash